Additional and miscellaneous information, often requested by users and customers, but that wouldn't fit in any specific knowledge base category.
No, we are not affected by Log4j vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228)
No Syncplify software uses (nor has ever used) anything written in Java. Furthermore, and more sp...
How Syncplify.me Server! prevents SSHPsycho attacks
According to the SANS ISC nearly 80% of all SSH-based brute force attacks are caused by SSHPsycho...
W3C log file format and UTC timestamps
Every once in a while we receive a support request from some customers asking us how to “fix” t...
Firewalls and FTP external IP address for PASV
Most firewalls (we’d say all the ones we know) have NAT/PAT capabilities, and many are able to pe...
Where do I download the old v4/v5 installers?
WARNING: both version 4 and version 5 are now discontinued and retired, so please be aware that d...
Why PGP is an extremely bad choice for a file server's at-rest encryption, and how to do it right
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP and all of its variants) is a well-known encryption program that provide...
Timeout logging into the SuperAdmin or Admin UI? This is how you may fix it.
Are you experiencing a timeout while attempting to log into the SuperAdmin or Admin UI? If your s...
Understanding FTP and Its Variants
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a standard network protocol used for transferring files between a...
SFTP and SCP: Secure File Transfer Protocols
SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) and SCP (Secure Copy Protocol) are both secure file transfer pr...