Recently Updated Pages
Parametric home directories (VFS)
Another highly requested feature that Server! offers in all editions is parametric h...
Where do I download the old v4/v5 installers?
WARNING: both version 4 and version 5 are now discontinued and retired, so please be aware that d...
How to backup your Syncplify Server!'s database
Note: this article only applies to Syncplify Server! v6.x and above. If you're looking for a way ...
High-Availability (HA): how to setup
This article assumes you've already read, understood, and are familiar with the general concepts ...
Updating/upgrading Syncplify Server!: the general rule
The process to update or upgrade your Syncplify Server! falls into either one of the following tw...
High-Availability (HA) general concepts
The most important improvement brought about by Syncplify Server! version is the simplicity with ...
No, we are not affected by Log4j vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228)
No Syncplify software uses (nor has ever used) anything written in Java. Furthermore, and more sp...
How Server! prevents SSHPsycho attacks
According to the SANS ISC nearly 80% of all SSH-based brute force attacks are caused by SSHPsycho...
W3C log file format and UTC timestamps
Every once in a while we receive a support request from some customers asking us how to “fix” t...
Firewalls and FTP external IP address for PASV
Most firewalls (we’d say all the ones we know) have NAT/PAT capabilities, and many are able to pe...
How to fix "Invalid OTP" error during setup
In order to ensure the utmost level of security, the web-based portion of the setup process must ...
How to access/download your invoice(s)
This procedure is - at the moment - limited to orders that include Syncplify Server! v6 licenses....
ECCN and export restrictions
Being a US-based corporation, Syncplify is subject to the United States rules regarding the impor...
What is LLTS (Limited Long-Term Support)?
When we retire a software version, we typically keep providing a certain level of support for it ...
How to buy/renew/extend your maintenance and support plan
Though we never force any of our customers to buy (or keep current) their maintenance/support pla...
Why Internet Explorer is not supported
Most software products by Syncplify are configured via web user interfaces (UIs). These are gra...
Emails from Syncplify not received. Why?
Here at Syncplify, we take support requests very seriously, and we always reply. Usually within 2...
Cannot connect: "unexpected message type 30 (expected one of [34])" reason found in log file
Some clients cannot connect to your Syncplify Server! version 6.x, and when you analyze the worke...
Alternative (lower-level) way to start a script via PowerShell and REST API
With Syncplify AFT! you have quite a few different ways to run and/or start the execution of your...
How to start AFT! jobs via REST API but using the command-line
As of version 3.0, AFT! has added the capability to start jobs via the START command...