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What is LLTS (Limited Long-Term Support)?

FAQ / Popular Topics

When we retire a software version, we typically keep providing a certain level of support for it ...

Updated 7 months ago by DevTeam

Why Internet Explorer is not supported

FAQ / Popular Topics

Most software products by Syncplify are configured via web user interfaces (UIs). These are gra...

Updated 7 months ago by DevTeam

How to buy/renew/extend your maintenance and support plan

FAQ / Popular Topics

Though we never force any of our customers to buy (or keep current) their maintenance/support pla...

Updated 7 months ago by DevTeam

Cannot connect: "unexpected message type 30 (expected one of [34])" reason found in log file

Syncplify Server! Operation

Some clients cannot connect to your Syncplify Server! version 6.x, and when you analyze the worke...

Updated 11 months ago by DevTeam

Alternative (lower-level) way to start a script via PowerShell and REST API

Syncplify AFT! Operation

With Syncplify AFT! you have quite a few different ways to run and/or start the execution of your...

Updated 1 year ago by DevTeam

How to start AFT! jobs via REST API but using the command-line

Syncplify AFT! Operation

As of version 3.0, AFT! has added the capability to start jobs via the START command...

Updated 1 year ago by DevTeam

How to monitor a local folder and upload files to your SFTP server when they change

Syncplify AFT! Scripting

Let's say you have an SFTP server somewhere, and you want to use it as some form of "real-time ba...

Updated 1 year ago by DevTeam

Understanding what Syncplify AFT! is

Syncplify AFT! Operation

True Managed File Transfer (MFT) requires the interoperation of 2 parts: a file transfer serve...

Updated 1 year ago by DevTeam

Forgot your AFT! admin password? Here's what to do

Syncplify AFT! Operation

AFT! supports multiple administrative profiles, so the best thing to do when an administrator for...

Updated 1 year ago by DevTeam

Preventing upload of EXE files

Syncplify Server! Scripting

Some SFTP servers feature a simple “extension exclusion list” so that administrators can specify ...

Updated 1 year ago by DevTeam

Solved: insecure FTP data connection (TLS session resumption)

Syncplify Server! Operation

If you are running any version of Server! prior to 5.1.17, and using the FTPS or FTP...

Updated 1 year ago by DevTeam

VFS.ImportFile and VFS.ExportFile

Syncplify Server! Scripting

This article presumes the use of features only available in the Ultimate edition of Syncplify Ser...

Updated 1 year ago by DevTeam

Virtual File Systems (VFS) with quotas

Syncplify Server! Operation

The Virtual File System (VFS) introduced in Syncplify Server! v4.0 (and available in all subseque...

Updated 1 year ago by DevTeam

How to reset the SuperAdmin (SA) password in v4/v5

Syncplify Server! Operation

This article refers to older versions (v4/v5) of our software. The procedure for Syncplify Server...

Updated 1 year ago by DevTeam

FATAL ERROR: Connection reset by peer (could not connect to server)

Syncplify Server! Operation

It may happen that a client that has always been able to connect to Syncplify Server! without any...

Updated 1 year ago by DevTeam

How to override permissions on subfolders inside the user’s Home VFS

Syncplify Server! Operation

As of version 5.0 (and subsequent versions) Syncplify Server! allows overriding permissions on su...

Updated 1 year ago by DevTeam

How does the block-list (Protector!) work?

Syncplify Server! Operation

One of the most popular and widely appreciated features of Syncplify Server! has always been its ...

Updated 1 year ago by DevTeam

Authenticating users via PKI

Syncplify Server! Operation

We have already talked about the SSH Server Key, which is used to verify the server’s identity an...

Updated 1 year ago by DevTeam

Block-list, allow-list, and safe-list

Syncplify Server! Operation

Up to the old version 3.x, Server! featured a black-list and a white-list. The black...

Updated 1 year ago by DevTeam

Customizing SFTP and FTP(E/S) greetings and banners

Syncplify Server! Operation

Some of the concepts explained in this article require that you're running a version of Syncplify...

Updated 1 year ago by DevTeam