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Syncplify Server! version schedule: current, retired, and LLTS

At every ISV, and Syncplify is no exception, software development is an ever ongoing process. Every so often new versions are released, to add new features, improve the existing ones, and/or fix bugs and issues that are discovered or reported by users and customers.

When the changes are big enough, a new major version number is assigned to the release, and that's how you go from v4.x to v5.x, then to v6.x, and so on. When this happens, the old major version goes into Phase-Out and remains under Limited Long-Term Support (LLTS) for a certain amount of time, to offer our users/customer a comfortable way to plan and execute the upgrade to the most recent major version. Then, once the LLTS period ends, the old version becomes Retired, and from that moment on it will receive no more support of any kind, no bug-fixes, no development, and no customer service.

Here's a schedule of all Syncplify Server! versions' release, phase out (LLTS), and retirement dates:

Version Release Phase-out (LLTS) Retired
Syncplify Server! v7 Dec 2024 (projected) n/a n/a
Syncplify Server! v6 Dec 2022 Dec 2024 (projected) Dec 2026 (projected) Server! v5 Feb 2018 Dec 2022 Dec 2024 Server! v4 Jan 2016 Feb 2018 Feb 2020 Server! v3 Oct 2014 Jan 2016 Jan 2017 Server! v2 Mar 2014 Oct 2014 Oct 2015 Server! v1 Nov 2013 Mar 2014 Mar 2015

Please, plan your updates and upgrades according to the schedule here above.
Thank you!