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78 total results found
How to reset the SuperAdmin (SA) password in v4/v5
This article refers to older versions (v4/v5) of our software. The procedure for Syncplify Server! v6 can be found here. If you happen to forget - or simply want to change - the SuperAdmin (SA) password of your Server! v4/v5 you can reset it by f...
Virtual File Systems (VFS) with quotas
The Virtual File System (VFS) introduced in Syncplify Server! v4.0 (and available in all subsequent versions) comes with a long-awaited feature: quota management. IMPORTANT: Syncplify Server! v4/v5 expressed their quotas in KB, while starting from Syncplify S...
VFS.ImportFile and VFS.ExportFile
This article presumes the use of features only available in the Ultimate edition of Syncplify Server!, such as at-rest encryption for the virtual file systems (VFS). As you surely already know, when you use an encrypted VFS all files that any user uploads int...
How to move/migrate your software to a different machine/VM
If you intend to do a migration-upgrade (move from one VM to another while upgrading the software at the same time, this article is not for you. You should follow this procedure instead.This procedure is only applicable to Syncplify Server! v6+, if you are run...
Solved: insecure FTP data connection (TLS session resumption)
If you are running any version of Server! prior to 5.1.17, and using the FTPS or FTPES protocol, your client software may start complaining about an "insecure data connection" or lack of "TLS session resumption". You may see an error message simi...
Parametric home directories (VFS)
Another highly requested feature that Server! offers in all editions is parametric home directories. Some of our customers, in fact, need to isolate every user in their own directory under a general “container”, the directory name being the same ...
No, we are not affected by Log4j vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228)
No Syncplify software uses (nor has ever used) anything written in Java. Furthermore, and more specifically, no Syncplify software uses (nor has ever used) Log4j. Therefore, none of our software is affected by (nor it has ever been) any Log4j bug or vulnerabil...
How Server! prevents SSHPsycho attacks
According to the SANS ISC nearly 80% of all SSH-based brute force attacks are caused by SSHPsycho or one of its variants. This seems to be confirmed by the LongTail honeypot real-time report provided by the Marist College. So, yes, SSHPsycho is a big deal, and...
W3C log file format and UTC timestamps
Every once in a while we receive a support request from some customers asking us how to “fix” the timestamp in the log files because it’s few hours ahead/behind. The thing is that such timestamp is not ahead nor behind: it’s always in UTC (Coordinated Unive...
Firewalls and FTP external IP address for PASV
Most firewalls (we’d say all the ones we know) have NAT/PAT capabilities, and many are able to perform a protocol-level inspection when the connection is not encrypted. SSH (and SFTP) are always encrypted, but FTP can be either encrypted or not; yet, theoretic...
Preventing upload of EXE files
Some SFTP servers feature a simple “extension exclusion list” so that administrators can specify certain file extensions that the server should not let users upload. But that’s a pretty weak defense, as a clever attacker could always upload an EXE with a fake ...
Forgot your AFT! admin password? Here's what to do
AFT! supports multiple administrative profiles, so the best thing to do when an administrator forgot their password is simply to log in with a different admin profile, and reset the password of the admin who has forgotten it. But what if you only had 1 admin ...
Understanding what Syncplify AFT! is
True Managed File Transfer (MFT) requires the interoperation of 2 parts: a file transfer server (that's what Syncplify Server! is) an automated file transfer client (that's what Syncplify AFT! is) While Syncplify Server! has been well established on the...
How to monitor a local folder and upload files to your SFTP server when they change
Let's say you have an SFTP server somewhere, and you want to use it as some form of "real-time backup". That implies monitoring a local folder/directory on your computer's hard disk (or SSD), and: detect when new files are created and upload them detect wh...
How to start AFT! jobs via REST API but using the command-line
As of version 3.0, AFT! has added the capability to start jobs via the START command-line switch and parameters. To be clear, unlike the RUN command (which executes a script from file in the context of whatever shell you invoked it) the START comm...
Alternative (lower-level) way to start a script via PowerShell and REST API
With Syncplify AFT! you have quite a few different ways to run and/or start the execution of your secure file transfer jobs. One such way is via REST API. But how to invoke such REST API via PowerShell in an easy way? Here's an example script for you: $Header...
Cannot connect: "unexpected message type 30 (expected one of [34])" reason found in log file
Some clients cannot connect to your Syncplify Server! version 6.x, and when you analyze the worker process (the virtual site's) log file you see the following message in it: ssh: unexpected message type 30 (expected one of [34]) Why does this happen? The me...
How to fix "Invalid OTP" error during setup
In order to ensure the utmost level of security, the web-based portion of the setup process must be completed within 5 minutes; taking longer than that will result in an "Invalid OTP" error, and the setup will fail. If that happens there are 2 possible ways t...
How to backup your Syncplify Server!'s database
Note: this article only applies to Syncplify Server! v6.x and above. If you're looking for a way to backup your old (v4/v5) database you should look at this article instead. Syncplify Server! v6+ offer several ways to perform a backup of its configuration dat...
How to access/download your invoice(s)
This procedure is - at the moment - limited to orders that include Syncplify Server! v6 licenses. Old orders (older versions of the software) or order that include AFT! licenses are, at this time, still managed via third party distributors and resellers who ar...