Setup on Linux
How to install
The following video shows how to install Syncplify Server! v6.x on a Linux operating system:
Here's a handy copy-pastable list of the two commands you'll need. You will still need to manually type in the name of the .tar.gz archive you downloaded though.
To extract the downloaded archive:
tar -xvf name_of_downloaded_targz_archive.tar.gz
Then to begin installing or updating the software:
sudo ./ss6-setup install
At the end of this phase, a URL will be shown to you. Simply open it in a browser to continue with the rest of the setup process.
Be careful, the URL references localhost ( but if you're using a browser on a different computer you will have to change into the current IP address of the machine where you just installed Syncplify Server! on.
How to uninstall
To make uninstallation easier, the installer copies the ss6-setup
executable to your /usr/bin
directory. Therefore, in order to uninstall Syncplify Server! v6.x you can simply open a terminal window anywhere, and type:
sudo ss6-setup uninstall
After that, if you also want to remove the uninstaller, you may (optionally) want to do this, too:
sudo rm /usr/bin/ss6-setup
And, just in case... you can also do a "repair"
Should anything happen, you can always use the same ss6-setup
you downloaded and extracted, to "repair" your currently deployed executable and back-end DB configuration, like this:
sudo ./ss6-setup install --repair
That's all folks. :)